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FES Newsletter 1.20.25

Posted Date: 1/17/25 (9:20 PM)

Week of January 20, 2025
Principal's Message from Dr. Edwards
We are thankful to have gotten in a full week of regular school days, but I also think everyone was on the tired side of things by the end.  Regardless, I'm pleased with how everyone pushed through and started to get back in the school routine for second semester.  I hope everyone enjoys the bonus federal holiday we get for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday and gets some extra rest heading into next week.  This is always an appreciated break in the month of January, and it is an important opportunity to reflect on and honor the work of Dr. King and many others in our country to defend the dignity and rights of all people.

Please take note of the Build It Club (in the flyer section further below) being offered this semester through a partnership with the Vernon Township Library.  Space is limited, so participation is on a first-come basis.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


Reporting Absences
Please assist us by being sure to call our office at 317-485-3180 or email if your student is going to be absent. With state reporting, we have to assign specific codes for every absence, and it saves our office staff a lot of time each day if we don’t have to call to follow-up on students that are marked absent by their teachers.  And please be sure to provide the documentation required for qualifying absences to be marked as excused in a timely manner.
MV Absence Policy Infographic

 Important Dates  

MLK Jr. Day -- No School
Monday, January 20th

FES Spelling Bee
Tuesday, January 21st @ 8:15a

PTO Nerf Night
Saturday, January 25th  3-7p

FES Book Fair
February 3-7

First Grade Literacy Night
Thursday, February 6th  4:30-6:00p

PTO Suits and Sequins
Friday, February 7th

Presidents Day -- No School
Monday, February 17th

Teacher Professional Development Day -- No School for Students
Tuesday, February 18th


Happy Friday and Three-Day Weekend!

This week I started classroom lessons for 5th-grade. For the lesson, we are talking about boundaries within friendships. We discuss different kinds of boundaries and what it looks like to be on either side of the boundary line. At the end, we discussed how to handle a situation if a friend crosses a boundary. I was able to go into four of the six 5th-grade classes and will be in the other two classes next week! Mrs. Burkholder also pulled out specific chapter books and graphic novels that talk about friendship problems, which students are welcome to check out! 

Below are reminders from my office:

  • Any student can request to talk/meet with me. All teachers have a "Let's Talk" form in their classrooms that students can fill out and put in the red mailbox outside my office. Once I get a paper, I meet with the student as soon as possible. 
  • As we move into the new year, I wanted to share some news that FES families may or may not know about, as well as our plan for the second semester. Some of you may know through your students but my husband and I are expecting our first child over Spring Break. If all goes well, the plan is for me to be on maternity leave from March 31st through the end of the school year. A temporary counseling job was just posted to MVCSC's website in the hopes of getting a school counselor to step into my role for quarter 4. 
Upcoming events:
  • Q3: Classroom Lesson - Friendships
    • 5th-Grade: 1/16-1/24
    • 4th-Grade: 1/27-1/31
    • 3rd-Grade: 2/3-2/7
    • 2nd-Grade: 2/10-2/14
    • 1st-Grade: 2/20-2/26
    • KG: 2/24-2/28
  • Q4: Mrs. Crecelius on Maternity Leave
FES Staff Favorite Vacation:
  • Mrs. Tyner's (3rd-grade Teacher, Yellow House) favorite vacation is Maui!

Student ShoutOuts

These students were called down to the cafeteria on Friday to be recognized for something from the week (being a great helper, working hard, demonstrating growth in a skill, etc.)  Thanks for being valuable contributors to our Viking community!

MV Reads: News from the Library

Mrs. Jennifer Leavell, FES Teacher Librarian

Our FES Scholastic Book Fair starts Monday, February 3rd during normal school hours. Students will be able to browse AND shop during their fixed library time.  If you are interested in volunteering for the book fair, click this link: FES Book Fair Volunteers.  Don't forget that sales tax will be collected at our fair.  For more information or questions about the FES Book Fair, contact 

"Be a Substitute Teacher" and MV Employment
Fortville Elementary is a great place to work, and we would love to have you join our team.  You can apply on the MV Employment website. We are currently looking for a Leave Teacher.

And we always need substitute teachers! Subs apply through Kelly Education Services (information below).
  1. To learn more or apply for substitute teacher positions at Mt. Vernon, please contact Kelly Education by completing this Inquiry Form and a recruiter will follow up with you. For questions, please call 800-991-5157, option 2.
  2. Kelly Services will guide the applicant how to obtain a substitute permit issued by the Indiana Department of Education (~$17) and a background check (~$28).
  3. Kelly Services will then share a short orientation video that will show you how to choose the jobs of your choice at Mt. Vernon and how to see the incentive offers.
Help Support FES Year-round
Help our school get a share of the money that many of America’s best companies are giving to K-12 education. is an online shopping mall where over 400 merchants have agreed to give a percentage of every sale to schools.  This includes companies like Walmart, Best Buy, Old Navy, Kohl’s, etc.   Just go to the website and then to the merchant websites you normally order from and help us earn rewards.  The SchoolStore fundraiser is 100% online so there is NO face-to-face selling, handling money, or delivering products.
Go to to sign up.  If you have questions about how to participate, reach out to our office.  Once you are registered, invite family, friends and co-workers to support your child and our school.

Parent Resources
To be a chaperone on a field trip or to volunteer in the classroom regularly, you must have a clear background check from the current school year on file with the district.  MVCSC Volunteer Background Check Form

Webinars on support and advocacy for parents of High ability students.

Parents want to help their children succeed and navigating the current educational landscape can be challenging when your child is a high achiever, creative thinker, or high ability/gifted learner.  The Indiana Academy presents the Gifted Education Series for Parents; programs take place at 7:00 p.m. eastern.

  • Understanding My Gifted Childwatch archive

  • Helping My Gifted Child Succeed-Wednesday, December 4-Register Now

  • Perfectionism and My Gifted Child-Wednesday, January 22-Register Now

  • Supporting My Highly Intelligent Child-Wednesday, March 5-Register Now

  • Resources for Gifted Students: A Parent Guide-Wednesday, May 14-Register Now

From the Technology Department: We're excited to remind you about the valuable partnership between Mt. Vernon Schools and Qustodio! This collaboration provides you with insights into your child's online activities and allows you to manage certain aspects of their school-issued devices at home.

For more details, please check out this ParentSquare post from earlier this year.


The FES PTO spirit wear store is always open to help with your FES and MV apparel desires.
 LINK for Fortville Elementary Designs       LINK for MV Designs
Mt. Vernon Flyers

Community Flyers

[Sunday, Jan 19 at 6:48 PM]
There was a type on the flyer for upcoming PTO events. The Suits and Sequins Dance time was incorrect on that flyer (but is was correct on the actual dance flyer). It should be 6-8p on February 7.