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Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

FES Traffic Flow



Before School Drop Off

1.      Enter through the north entrance and form a line looping around the north lot and pulling in front of the main office entrance (Door 1). Please stack up in two lines all around the north lot and go to one lane right before making the turn into the east lot (zipper merge).

2.      Around 7:23am, a staff member will release both lines forward to take turns merging and proceed to the east sidewalk.  After 7:42a, you will need to park in the east lot and bring your student to the office to sign them in as they will be considered tardy along with all students who are not in their classrooms ready to begin the day by 7:45am.

3.      At drop-off, please pull as far forward as you can, and you may unload anywhere along the east sidewalk.   Students should unload from the sidewalk side of the vehicle.  Parents must remain in the vehicle and be ready to pull forward as soon as students have safely exited the vehicle.  Loop to your left at the end of the east parking lot and exit onto 200 W.

After-School Pick Up

If there is a change in your child’s pick up plan, please inform the office no later than 1:00 p.m. If you pick up your child prior to afternoon dismissal, please come in the main entrance (Door 1) to sign your student out. All other doors will be locked.  

 1.      Enter through the north entrance and form a line looping around the north lot and pulling in front of the main office entrance (Door 1). Please stack up in two lines all around the north lot and go to one lane right before making the turn into the east lot (zipper merge).

2.      Be sure to have your car number hung/displayed in your windshield for the staff member to see. Around 2:10pm, a staff member will release you forward into the loading zone (the green area).  At pick-up, the numbered spaces are the only loading zone.

3.      When vehicles are stopped in the numbered spaces, students will get into vehicles in this green area (no parents should get out of the vehicle).

4.      Either loop to your left to exit out of the east entrance onto 200 W as the arrows show, or pull off into the orange area to get out of the vehicle if you need to fasten children into seats first.